Comparison between the Serological and Molecular Methods for the Detection of Helicobacter pylori
Helicobacter pylori, Gram-negative helical bacteria, gastrointestinal mucosa , Elisa IgM, IgG. PCRAbstract
Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is a worldwide health issue associated with chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers, and neoplasms. Management requires an accurate diagnosis, and the currently available technologies can be divided into molecular and serological approaches. Every approach has advantages and disadvantages, highlighting the importance of comparing.
Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic efficiency, reliability, and usefulness of serological and molecular methods for detecting H. pylori infection.
Methods: In 2023, a cross-sectional study was performed in Wasit Province, Iraq. Five hundred forty-one volunteers aged 15 to 65 years showing dyspeptic symptoms submitted blood samples for analysis. Serological testing utilized ELISA to identify IgG and IgM antibodies, whereas PCR was performed for the molecular detection of H. pylori DNA. Data were analyzed to assess sensitivity, specificity, and demographic correlations. The prevalence of seasonal swings was also evaluated.
Results: The frequency of H. pylori was nearly the same across males (270) and females (271). The most considerable prevalence was observed in the 26–35 age group, with seasonal peaks during the summer, especially in July. PCR had superior sensitivity and specificity relative to serology, although it required advanced resources. Serological tests offered significant epidemiological findings, although they could not differentiate between active and past infectious diseases.
Conclusion: Serological tests are useful for epidemiological investigations, but molecular methods are more accurate. A combined diagnostic strategy improves clinical and public health measures, especially in resource-limited regions. Seasonal and demographic changes require specific measures.
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