An Association Between Diabetes Mellitus With Blood Groups, Leukocytes and Serum Bilirubin


  • Khairy Abdullah Dawood Al-Mustaqble University Author
  • Basma Abd Alkhalq Eidan Al-Mustaqble University Author
  • Hassanain Jwad Abidalhussein Dentistry Collage, Kerbala University, Iraq Author



Diabetes Mellitus,, Blood Groups,, Leukocytes,, Serum Bilirubin.


Blood groups play an essential role in the incidence of diabetes mellitus type two and are considered predisposing factors. The Center of diabetes mellitus / Marjan Hospital recorded 117 cases of diabetes and followed for other identifications. Blood analysis was done in the Hematology laboratory in Al – Mustaqble University. Blood group A+ was associated with a high incidence of type 2 diabetes (52%), while blood group O+ and O- were the lowest percent (2.5 %) for both of them. Blood groups AB+ and B+ were distributed in diabetic patients (10%) for each. The percentage of Rh+ factor in diabetic patients was 87%, Whereas the Rh- was 13%. Serum bilirubin is inversely associated with insulin resistance in adult people. Bilirubin was increased at the beginning of diabetes but decreased with duration. White blood cells decreased in number in comparison with the control group, and the percentage of lymphocytes in diabetic patients also decreased. These results prove a significant relationship between blood groups and diabetes mellitus.


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How to Cite

Khairy Abdullah Dawood, Basma Abd Alkhalq Eidan, & Hassanain Jwad Abidalhussein. (2024). An Association Between Diabetes Mellitus With Blood Groups, Leukocytes and Serum Bilirubin. Academic International Journal of Medical Update, 2(1), 15-20.
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